The African Business Affairs department is a team of community organizations, business owners and community mentors with over 25 years of service and community development. They serve on a volunteer basis and are aligned on a single mission to create economic stability and advancement between Africa and the communities that PSD serve throughout the United States.

We know that the work we are undertaking will require a long-term and consistent approach to truly have an effect on the economy and the people that we serve. We encourage you to learn more about our work and who we are via the attached pitch deck, online @totrodrou.rising on all social media platforms or via email at [email protected].

Mission -To unite the African diaspora of the next generation through business and community development and strengthen our communities domestically, globally and most importantly economically.
Vision – To create a legacy that will enhance the lives of communities of the African Diaspora domestically and abroad, for generations to come.

  • Marcy Phillips

  • Nicole Quallis

  • Wanda Upshaw

  • Aniah Lynnè Ames_ MPA

  • Wynnie-Fred Victor Hinds
  • Aniah Lynnè Ames_ MPA

    Nicole Quallis

    Wanda Upshaw

    Marcy Phillips

    Wynnie-Fred Victor Hinds
    Marcy Phillips
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